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Money Back Guarantee is 100%.

Money Back Guarantee with no questions asked. If you’ve already read our Return, Reship and Refund Policies, then this should be very clear to you. Those policies are put in place to ensure that if you’re entitled to a partial or full refund, we pay 100% of the refund without asking any questions.

Our goal is to ensure that a client never loses money when dealing with us although this might be impossible in a case where a client is required to pay the shipping fees when returning a product. Such cases are rare, that’s why the policies also outline a client’s responsibility to make sure that they don’t find themselves in such a situation.

100% Money Back Guarantee for Failed Shipments

We also make it clear that cases of failure delivery resulting from missing or seized products require that the client allows us to attempt a second delivery. If the reship attempt fails, then refund kicks in.

More information is found on Our Policies and Frequently Asked Questions.

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